DSE performs EPC contract for 600t fly ash silos and pneumatic conveyor for Song Gianh cement
- Monday - 06/08/2018 16:03
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Since Song Gianh Cement Company was purchased by SCG Thailand, many projects have been implemented to renovate, upgrade and build many items to increase capacity and improve product quality. Lilama69-3 Design Industrial and Systems Engineering Joint Stock Company (Lilama69-3 DSE) is a successful bidder for EPC project for the design, equipment supply, construction, installation and commissioning of 600T fly ash silos and pneumatic conveyor system with a capacity of 60 t / h. This package is one of the plans to renovate and improve the grinding capacity of Song Giang Cement Plant.

Leveraging its existing design capabilities as a first class consultant certified by the Ministry of Construction, DSE has designed the pneumatic conveyor system, mass flow measuring and silo systems to handling fly ash to cement mill according to European standard. The design has been approved by the investor and Quang Binh Provincial Department of Construction issued construction permission.
To realize the commitment to provide DSE’s customers with high quality products imported directly from the G7 developed countries, DSE has ordered equipment from transmission prestige manufactures of DSE for many domestic and foreign projects such as IBAU, SCHENCK, Atlas Copco, WAT ...
The factory for manufacturing, preassembly and experiment industrial equipment Lilama 69-3 DSE into operation has been has increased the quality of products of the company. The equipment is manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001-2018 and is closely monitored/approval by experienced DSE engineers and the Owner.

DSE pledges to accelerate the project's launch in the fourth quarter of 2018 to reaffirm the company's ability and brand to respond to its customers' beliefs.
At: Pham Van Cuong